
Intellicage – This programmable cage uses sophisticated software to completely automate the conduct of a variety of experiments and the collection of data over a period of days to weeks. The Intellicage can operate independently with up to 16 mice, eliminating human error and experimental interruption. Several behaviors can be individually measured by the cage (via transponders carried subcutaneously by each mouse), including visits to the drinking areas, nose pokes and drinks themselves. These features allow for accurate measurements of cognitive flexibility, anhedonia, and a variety of other selection-based paradigms that can be applied in models of affective disorders, Alzheimer’s disease and other neuropsychiatric disorders.

The IntelliCage (reprinted with permission from TSE Systems)

In addition to data regarding water and food consumption, the Hadassah BrainLabs Intellicage has an attached Animal Gate leading to an open field which can be used to measure social interaction and anxiety levels. Any experimental protocol can be completely customized and easily run by the Intellicage to quickly generate large amounts of data for easy analysis.


Kiryk A, Janusz A, Zglinicki B, et al. IntelliCage as a tool for measuring mouse behavior – 20 years perspective. Behav Brain Res. 2020;388:112620. doi:10.1016/j.bbr.2020.112620

Masuda, A., Kobayashi, Y., Itohara, S. Automated, long-term behavioral assay for cognitive functions in multiple genetic models of Alzheimer’s disease, using IntelliCage. J. Vis. Exp. (138), e58009, doi:10.3791/58009 (2018).