Video EEG Monitoring

Video EEG monitoring (VEEG) is used to simultaneously monitor behavior and electrical brain activity, especially to capture epileptic seizures or interictal epileptic activity. Epidural or subdermal electrodes are used for identification of brain activity in general and parenchymal electrodes can be used for more precise localization and characterization of focal activity in various brain areas. The VEEG can also be used as a safety monitoring tool to identify epileptic adverse effects of medications and epileptic activity in models of other brain diseases, such as AD. Chemical challenge with convulsive agents, under VEEG, can further identify changes in threshold of epileptic activity induced by medications or models of brain diseases.



Ekstein D., Dhamne S., Muller P., Loddenkemper T., Pascual-Leone A., Jensen F., Rotenberg A. Cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation suppresses PTZ-induced seizures in rats. Epilepsy Currents 2011 11:1 SUPPL. 1.